
卡梅伦液化天然气, Entergy公司路易斯安那州 Advance Renewable Energy Service Agreement



朴树,洛杉矶., 12月. 7, 2022 /PR新闻wire/ -- 卡梅伦液化天然气 announced today it has entered into a memor和um of underst和ing (MOU) with Entergy公司路易斯安那州, LLC to negotiate the terms 和 conditions for a new electric service agreement (ESA) to reduce 卡梅伦液化天然气's Scope 2 emissions from the electricity it purchases from Entergy公司路易斯安那州.

"Entergy公司路易斯安那州 is a critical partner in our efforts to reduce our overall direct 和 indirect GHG emissions. 卡梅伦液化天然气 strives to provide its customers with 液化天然气 that has the lowest possible emissions intensity,” 些微费尔班克斯卡梅伦液化天然气总裁. "The MOU we have signed allows us to memorialize an agreement to bring on enough renewable power to offset the emissions for our facility, 包括4号线扩建, when all renewable generations phases are added to the supply portfolio."

太阳2平台很自豪能与卡梅伦液化天然气公司合作达成这项协议,”他说 菲利普可能他是路易斯安那州Entergy公司总裁兼首席执行官. “强大的企业会带来更强大的经济 路易斯安那州 为了太阳2平台所有人. 太阳2平台的客户不断寻求减少碳排放的选择, 和 this is another example of us working with an industry leader to meet their own goals as well as our own."

The MOU is non-binding 和 sets forth a framework for Entergy公司路易斯安那州 和 卡梅伦液化天然气 to finalize 和 sign a minimum 20-year long-term agreement for the procurement of new renewable generation resources in 路易斯安那州 在一个商定的时间框架内, subject to the ultimate approval of the 路易斯安那州 Public Service Commission 和 卡梅伦液化天然气. The new electric service agreement is expected to be developed together with a new, renewable tariff option that will be filed for Commission review 和 approval in the coming months. This new tariff along with Entergy公司路易斯安那州's recently approved optional Geaux Green tariff program will provide customers the opportunity to reduce their scope 2 emissions by subscribing to new renewable generation resources.

卡梅隆液化天然气,13.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) liquefied natural gas export facility operating in 朴树, is working with its joint venture partners to develop a cost-effective 和 lower-emission potential expansion of the facility. The proposed 卡梅伦液化天然气 expansion would include an additional liquefaction train with a maximum production capacity of approximately 6.75万吨/年,计划利用电力压缩, equivalent to adding approximately 300 megawatts (MW) of dem和 to the Entergy公司路易斯安那州 system.

Entergy has been an industry leader in voluntary climate action for more than two decades. 2001年,该公司成为第一家在美国上市的公司.S. electric utility to commit to voluntarily stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions. That goal has since been accelerated with a commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.


卡梅伦液化天然气 was developed to meet the growing dem和 for energy worldwide with three liquefaction trains to process 和 load 液化天然气 supplies onto ships safely. 卡梅伦液化天然气 is a joint venture between five international companies with extensive 液化天然气 market 和 shipping experience. 合作伙伴包括Sempra基础设施、Mitsui的子公司 & Co.、三菱公司、total energy和日本邮船公司. 卡梅伦液化天然气 is in a strategic geographic position to provide ease of access to global gas markets, 包括 亚洲欧洲. 到目前为止,该设施已经出口了450多批美国产石油.S. 向全球29个国家输送天然气.


Entergy公司路易斯安那州, LLC provides electric service to more than 1 million customers in 58 parishes 和 natural gas service to more than 94,2000个客户 巴吞鲁日,路易斯安那州. 安特吉路易斯安那州是安特吉公司(NYSE: ETR)的子公司。, 一家总部设在美国的财富500强公司 新奥尔良. Entergy Corporation powers life for 3 million customers through its operating companies across 阿肯色州, 路易斯安那州, 密西西比州德州. Entergy正在创造一种清洁剂, more resilient energy future for everyone with our diverse power generation portfolio, 包括越来越多的无碳能源. 在南海湾地区扎根了一个多世纪, Entergy是公认的企业公民领导者, 交付更多 1亿美元 in economic benefits to local communities through philanthropy 和 advocacy efforts annually over the last several years. Our approximately 12,000 employees are dedicated to powering life today 和 for future generations.

This news release contains statements that are not historical fact 和 constitute forward-looking statements. 这些语句可以通过“期望”这样的词来识别, “会”, “可能”, “计划”, “意图”或类似的表达. 前瞻性陈述并非对业绩的保证. 它们涉及风险、不确定性和假设. Future results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. 前瞻性陈述 are necessarily based upon various assumptions involving judgments with respect to the future 和 other risks, 包括, 其中包括:本地, 区域, 国内和国际经济, 有竞争力的, 政治, legislative 和 监管 conditions 和 developments; actions 和 the timing of actions, 包括 issuances of permits to construct 和 许可证 for operation, 由美国.S. 能源部, 联邦能源管理委员会等监管机构, 政府和环境机构 美国; the timing 和 success of business development efforts 和 construction, 维修及基本建设项目, 包括取得货物的风险, 维持或延长许可证, 许可证, 证书和其他授权的及时和风险, in obtaining adequate 和 有竞争力的 financing for such projects; energy markets, 包括 the timing 和 extent of changes 和 volatility in commodity prices, 和 the impact of any protracted reduction in oil prices from historical averages; capital markets conditions, 包括信贷的可用性, interest 和 currency exchange rates; weather conditions, 自然灾害, 灾难性的事故, 和 other 事件 that may damage our facilities 和 systems; business, 监管, environmental 和 legal decisions 和 requirements; 和 other uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict 和 many of which are beyond our control.






媒体联系人:Anya McInnis, 卡梅伦液化天然气, (电子邮件保护); Br和on Scardigli, Entergy公司路易斯安那州, (电子邮件保护)